9 Jun

Meet the team: Nick Winder, Account Manager at Ingenuity

Meet Nick Winder Account Manager in the Lead Gen team. 

Nick has spent 302 days at Ingenuity, joining as an intern and now working as a Lead Gen Account Manager. 

1. How would you describe Ingenuity in just three words?

Really great people.

2. What has been a standout moment workwise for you whilst working here?

It’s hard to pick an individual moment from what has been a whirlwind 9 months. What I have loved the most is increasing my knowledge across so many disciplines thanks to the agencies I have been fortunate enough to work with.

I can spend a morning researching the latest trends in streaming services or the neuroscience behind shopper marketing, then interview the CTO of a global company about the future of Digital Transformation in the afternoon – all while preparing a presentation about how different sectors are reacting to the current pandemic and where the next areas of growth could be.

If I had to narrow it down, it would be leading a face-to-face meeting on behalf of one of my agencies and feeling comfortable enough to talk about the agency as if it were my own, after only three months of working with them.

3. What social or company party has been your fave and why?

Honourable mentions for the bi-yearly Pub Quiz and the many impromptu Thursday night sessions at our local, The Grafton – however, the Christmas Party last year has to be the winner. It was such a brilliant evening and I think it’s fair to say everyone got stuck in. To be honest I’m still gutted not to have been awarded office crush…but there’s always next year.

4. What book or podcast would be number one on your recommended list and why?

I actually just started listening to a Podcast called Reimagine from the Saïd Business School at Oxford, which explores problems from a new perspective and looks at how that can help tackle these issues in a different way (it’s much more interesting than I’ve made it sound,  I promise). At the other end of the spectrum I also enjoy listening to the Rig Biz podcast by the self-proclaimed CEO and CCO (chief chat officer) of Clapham, who created the Rig Biz Run routine: run 5 miles and listen to a business podcast.

5. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working (when not in lockdown)?

I’d be lying if I didn’t open with my love for golf, but any form of exercise does the trick really. Lockdown has forced me into running more than I usually would, and I’ve actually started to enjoy my Rig Biz Run at the end of the day. When I’m not in lockdown, I’d usually say going to the pub…but sadly that’s been pretty tricky over the last few months. I’m definitely looking forward to being able to get back there for a shandy or two when we can!

6. Who would be your three ideal dinner party guests and why?

Can I include dead and alive? The classicist in me would love to meet Augustus Caesar, the adopted nephew of Julius. He managed to recover power and rule for 40 years as the first emperor of Rome after his uncle’s assassination. On a similarly classical route, I’ve got to say Helen of Troy. The face that launched a thousand ships has got to be worth having round for dinner. Oh, and Jesus to supply the wine.